The Garden House Nursery Schools

Pricing and Availability

To request pricing and availability, please call us on 0208 330 5305, or press the ‘ENQUIRE NOW’ button below.

Nursery fees are dependent on the age of your child and specific childcare requirements. We also offer access to all currently available Government Funded options governments. The current proposed scheme is being phased from April 24 as detailed below. 

Pricing and Availability

To request pricing and availability, please call us on 0208 330 5305, or press the ‘ENQUIRE NOW’ button below.

Nursery fees are dependent on the age of your child and specific childcare requirements. We also offer access to all currently available Government Funded options governments. The current proposed scheme is being phased from April 24 as detailed below. 

Please visit for more information and support on this funding and the eligibility requirements.

We also accept the Government Tax Free Childcare Scheme and Childcare Vouchers and we work with companies such as Enjoy Benefits and other providers of workplace childcare scheme who specialise in helping parents to benefit from fee saving with existing childcare legislation.              

These are run via your employer if applicable.

How does the process work?


Due to high demands for nursery places, you may be offered a ‘view to wait list’ appointment. Our admin team will let you know everything once you’ve sent off your enquiry form Please note there is a minimum of 2 full day booking pattern required for children under 2 years and 4 half days for children over 2 years


Once you have viewed our Nursery Schools and decided you’d like to join, one of our team will send you a Registration Form via email. We can then start to go through availability and start dates.


Once everything is confirmed, you will then be sent an Offer Letter with proposed settling in sessions and a start date, alongside our terms and conditions. Any deposit payments need to be paid in advance to secure your place on our registers- we will advise you when these need to be taken during the process.